The Most Vital Part of Training

Mobility and flexibility. Often confused, frequently neglected. How can focusing on these two key aspects of training really change your life?   The following two definitions were taken from the Oxford Dictionary. Mobility- The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. Flexibility- The quality of bending easily without breaking.   Now I don’t know[…]

Supplements….. Necessity or an avoidable expense?

Nutritional supplements, I’d be willing to guesstimate (guesstimating because I haven’t actually checked the numbers) are a multi-million, possibly billion pound market each year. Every gym we go to, every training session we do, every magazine we read or with every trainer we train with, we see and hear about taking this brand or that version of supplement[…]

Importance of Resistance Training

What is resistance training? Resistance training is any form of training in which your body/muscles are working against a certain resistance. The most common form of resistance training you’ll see in a fitness environment is lifting free weights. But all resistance training doesn’t have to require you to lift weights! An extremely effective form of resistance training[…]

Welcome to LDN Performance

Why LDN Performance? LDN Performance was started due to me being a personal trainer and sports massage therapist based in London and realising that long term, my own name just wasn’t powerful enough as a brand. This industry is populated with so many talented individuals aspiring to do various different things. But for me, long term I want[…]